Sunday, February 10, 2008



(was processed from VARIOUS sources)
A. Batik Pecinan/Cina

The Chinese nation has for a long time been known as the expatriate Nation.
They were also known to be firm in conserving his tradition of the ancestors's culture.
Usually in their foreign region country combined their culture with the local culture as the form of cultural acculturation.
Even so that happened in Indonesia especially to Batik.
The descendants from the Chinese expatriates in Indonesia usually produce Batik for the community personally or also was traded in.
Their production batik that was acknowledged as PECINAN BATIK had the typical characteristics of his colour was enough variatif and clear, in a sheet of cloth often put forward various colours.
The motive that was used often put the element of the Chinese culture like the motive of Hong birds or the peacock, and the Dragon.
Usually the pattern of Pecinan batik more complicated and soft.
In ancient Pecinan Batik that had the shape of the sarong was combined with the Blouse Encim as the typical fashion of the descendants's Chinese women in Indonesia.
In Pekalongan that was famous produced Pecinan Batik one of them was Tan Tjie Hou.

B. Batik Belanda
In the Dutch colonisation time definitely many Dutch residents who remained and resided in Indonesia.
They evidently was interested also with the local culture.
Same like the resident of the Chinese descendants, the resident of the Dutch descendants quite a few that made and produced batik.
Batik that was produced by the resident of these Dutch descendants had the typical characteristics special.
The motive that was used most flowers that often was received in Europe like Tulip and the motive leading figures the famous fairy tale story there.
This model batik was really liked in Europe.
The famous leading figure made Dutch BATIK in Pekalongan that is Van Zuylen and J.Jans.
Their works dominated in the age 20 set.

C. Batik Rifa'iyah
This kind batik received the Islam influence that was strong.
In the Islam culture the motive - the motive that was connected with the object bernyawa might not be depicted equally precisely appropriate original him.
Appropriate that the feature in RIFA'IYAH BATIK especially that concerning the motive of the animal was seen by his head was cut off.
Because in the Islam teaching of all the shapes of the animal sembelihan that was permitted must be cut off by his head.
Usually the resident of the Arabian descendants produces this kind batik.

D. Batik Pengaruh Kraton
The manufacturer of batik in Pekalongan often made batik that his motive was the typical characteristics of Batik of Kraton Yogyakarta or Surakarta.
The motive of the style of the palace that usually in with that is cement, cuwiri, the machete etc..
Although having a motive the influence of the palace but the production technique and pewarnaa him with the Pekalongan style.
So as more unique and interesting.
Must be learnt the Pekalongan style was the Pesisiran style of becoming freer and often got various influences from outside.

E. Batik Java Baru

In the production after the batik era Javanese Hokokay.
In Batik Javanese Baru the motive and the available colour in the batik era Javanese Hokokay was more simplified, but still have the nature typical the morning in the afternoon without Tumpal.
Most used the motive of the series of the flower and the bend - lungan.

F. Batik Jlamprang
The motive - the Jlamprang motive or in Yogyakarta by the name of Nitik was one of the batik that were enough popular was produced in the area of Krapyak Pekalongan.
This batik was the development from the motive of Potola cloth from India that have the shape of geometric sometimes had the shape of the star or points of the compass and used the twig that his tip had the shape of the quadrangle.
This Jlamprang batik was immortalised to one of the roads in Pekalongan.

G. Batik Terang Bulan Suatu the design of batik where his ornament only underneath good that took the form of the bend - lungan or took the form of the ornament muzzled on him was empty or took the form of the point - the point.
This Terang Bulan batik was acknowledged also as the Mansion or Ram - raman.
H. Batik Cap Kombinasi Tulis
Combination batik wrote in fact stamp batik where the second process or before disoga direntes or dirining by the batik maker wrote so as batik looked as if being written.
This was done to speed up the production of batik and the uniformity.

I. Batik Tiga Negeri Pekalongan
As in the case of batik - the country's other batik where in one cloth was gotten by the red colour blue soga that all was made in Pekalongan occasionally the blue colour was replaced purple and green.

J. Sogan Pekalongan
Batik with the process twice where the first process of the white yard sometimes was coletan, and for the process of the two batiks ditanahi was full or the ornament plataran took the form of the refined point just after that disoga.
Soga batik was seen classic.

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